Author: Rich Iurilli
Play Ball (Made to Share at the Midwest Crossword Tournament)
in ThemedHappy Midwest Gridfest Day! I’m so excited to visit Chicago for the first time for this tournament and meet awesome friends from the online crossword community. Here’s a puzzle I made to share with other tournament-goers—and with you. The theme was inspired by a fun little endeavor I undertook before my trip. I also crammed…
8th of July, Asbury Park (Emoji Puzzle #1)
After solving a few puzzles by snagawarg (solve) and Dob Olino (solve #1, solve #2) where all the clues were emojis, I decided I wanted in on the fun. Here for your solving pleasure (or something) is my first emoji puzzle. Thanks to bageleh for the test solve and unicode/emoji knowledge!
Themeless #4
in ThemelessThe beginning of my attempt to make more puzzles and get better at cluing.
Themeless #2
in ThemelessMy second themeless puzzle featured a much more open grid and 16 long entries.